Newsletter 75 - End of Term 5 Newsletter

End of Term 5

This term has thankfully felt like the return to normality, especially since face coverings are no longer compulsory and students can communicate well in lessons again.

It has also been a very busy term, I would like to thank all staff for their incredible work with Year 11 and Year 13 students, preparing them for assessments and then marking and moderating papers in time for the national submission of data at the start of next term. Year 11 and 13 have worked hard throughout this process and we wish them well with their next stage of life. To celebrate their time at Sarum, Year 11 have had a fantastic celebration assembly today, they certainly do change a lot in 5 years! And Year 13 a goodbye BBQ.

This week we have also had our first parent group face to face in the Academy and myself, Mr Clarke and Miss Rock met with a group of Year 10 parents to look towards what next year will bring for Year 11. We don’t have lots of answers from the Department for Education yet but will communicate this as soon as we can with all parents.

Next term will hopefully bring the rest of our COVID measures relaxed and with a bit of luck some sunshine so children can enjoy outdoor spaces, especially as we can go ahead with Activities week (information below)

We will also be welcoming our biggest ever Year 7 for transition and their induction day and we are also able to host two Year 5 days so they can experience secondary school, plus an Open Evening which is all very exciting!

I hope you and your family have a good half term break and look forward to a great Term 6.

Mrs Moore – Headteacher

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