Newsletter 64 - Children in Need

Edition 64 – 18th November 2019

Well stuffed! – BBC Children in Need

Many thanks for your donations for Children in Need 2019. BBC Wiltshire began Fridays charity fund raiser here at the Academy. It was great to give them a good send off!

Anti-Bullying message

Many thanks to Mrs Dawson and the Safeguarding team for leading this year’s antibullying message. Miss Rock and Year 11 students led Collective Worship on Tuesday brilliantly, spreading a message of kind words and friendship. Remember the RP Ambassadors are always around should you need someone to talk to. For more information Mrs Dawson is on hand.

This week is International Restorative Justice Week. Today we welcome Ms Jo Berry who will lead todays Assembly. Jo befriended the IRA man who killed her father in 1984. Ms Berry’s father, Sir Anthony Berry, was an MP in Margaret Thatcher’s government. He was one of five people killed in the 1984 attack on the Grand Hotel in Brighton during the party conference. More than 30 others were injured.

Parents Evening – A date for your diaries

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Parents Evening last Wednesday. The next opportunity will be on the 23rd of January 2020. Book early to avoid disappointment.

Big Sleep 2019 – 6th December

Sponsor forms are with students. This year we are supporting the charity ALABARÉ with our Big Sleep out on Friday 6th December and a NonSchool Uniform day at the end of term. Raising awareness of homelessness in Salisbury and playing our part in supporting this fantastic local charity.

Christmas is coming

Please join us on Monday 16th December at St Thomas’s Church at 6.00pm. for our annual Carol Service. No pre-booking necessary.

Sixth Form - Apply now

Still not made up your mind! Join us at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Monday 2nd December from 5:00pm.. The application window is now open. With limited places on courses apply early to avoid disappointment.

Art Ambassadors

Closing date was Friday. I shall look forward to awarding badges and certificates to our Art Ambassadors. It is great to see so much interest. Deservingly so!

Improving communications

Ove the last 6 months we have been piloting the use of the Xpressions app for text messages and emails and as almost all Parents are now using this we will move fully to electronic communication only from January. This is quicker, easier for parents to respond and saves paper. Please ensure both your email address and mobile phone number is always updated if they are changed.

Big Read – 95% of our vocabulary comes through reading

Sarum Academy loves to read! Through our Big Read programme all students will leave having shared in amazing stories across Years 7 – 10. Through this pile of books (and others yet to be added) students will be taken on a journey through many different places, perspectives, problems and people’s lives. We know books can teach us so much about the world around us and help us develop a lifelong ability to understand others and the world around us. Happy reading!

Free Parents/Carers workshops

For parents and carers of Children with significant SEND and/or Autism. To book email;

For further Information on each course contact George Cooper - (Family Support Worker) on 07825 397352, Training will take place at Somerset Road Education Trust training room (c/o Exeter House School) Somerset Rd, Salisbury, SP1 3BL.
